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Volvo V8 - Carter's Dreaming Again

New 02/26/2005

I took some very tight pics of the Volvo V-8 cutaway that was at the Chicago Auto SHOw today. Looks like at least on the cutaway motor, the camshaft and lobes are one, not a modular style like our. I could not tell from the angle how the secondary unit was attached but it looked like it was pinned, but I couldn't get a good look without rotating the motor. The intake seems to use vacuum operated secondaies and the COP units are much smaller. When I get home on Monday I will load the pics and post reduced size that can be uploaded and links to the larger version on my SuperFord site.

The GT was awesome to see in person, they even had a walk through cutaway detailed all the way down to the supercharger. Interesting the fuse box under our hoods is the same one under our hoods is the same one as in the GT. The Ford Display had an inordinate number of Mustangs in various states of tune. From Rousch prepared to super-radical one with 22" rims on it. It's a shame I can't ever resign myself to accepting the treatment I got from them regarding my SHO. Chrysler even had demonstration rides on an obstacle course inside on the southern end of the building. My wife said the Charger Daytona would be her next car. I personally was moved by the Porsche's but more realistically the Pontiac or Saturns. Very impressive to climb up in that International Harvester Pickup. All in all it was a very busy day even though we started at before 11:00 on a Friday morning. By time we left McCormick Place at 5:00 it was very crowded.

Carter Fuji

Wouldn't this look nice in yellow with a Vortech attached to it?

Carter Fuji


'97 ES Whoosh
Supercharger Video Link
Greenwood, AR.

Funny thing...

A/C compressor and alternator are in the same locations.... Can't
tell for certain if the water pump setup is similar or not.... Can't
see the P/S pump location either. Carter, do you remember where those
items were at?

And look it appears that you could do the spark plugs and leave the
intake in place...


I think it is the same as the SHO because you won't have enough space. Too
close to the firewall. If Volvo holds true to their design, this will be
behind the front axle.

Rene Carlos Cruz
The water pump is just to the left of the LH exhaust manifold, above the
A/C compressor..

Glen Murdock

Yeah - I see what you are looking at, Now I want to see the timing
diagram to see where they connect to the chain but there is some
space down there even on our motors on that run of the chain as the
tensioner is on the other side.....


You talking about the WP drive? It looks belt driven to me.

Glen Murdock
Yes I am talking about the drive method of the water pump... In
looking at the pics it could be that it is driven by the serpentine
belt. It could also be connected to the main timing chain.
Effectively the SHO's WP is driven by the timing chain (by way of the
front intake cam and another belt). I don't know which method I would
rather have - pros and cons to each....

I'm thinking I need to get my monitor gamma adjusted as it always
seems that digital pics have poor contrast, and Carters pics are
better than most I look at.



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