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1997 Ford Taurus sho
1997 ford taurus shoResearch 1997 Ford Taurus
Time left: 3d 17h (May 08, 201010:27:15 PDT)
Bid history: 0 bids
Starting bid: US $400.00  
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Price: US $600.00 Buy It NowBuy It Now
Full payment required within 3 days of auction close.
Shipping: Buyer responsible for vehicle pick-up or shipping.
Item Location: beaver city, NE, United States
This vehicle is eligible for up to $50,000 in Vehicle Purchase Protection.
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Item number: 220599795711
Item condition: Used
Sells to: United States
Last updated on 09:21:14 PM PDT, May 03, 2010 View all revisions
Vehicle History Report Summary for 1997 Ford Taurus sho
AutoCheck Score

25 - 50
similar vehicles
No title issues No repo or theft events
No accidents or damage Special use report found
No odometer rollback  
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Number Of Owners:6
Last Odometer Reading:120000 miles reported Feb-22-2007
Report Run Date:May-03-2010 11:21:27.011 CDT

Provided by AutoCheck, a part of Experian. Copyright Experian Information Solutions, Inc. 2010. All rights reserved. Experian provides these reports to you on an "as is" basis and eBay is not responsible or liable for the comprehensiveness or accuracy of the reports. eBay does not endorse any information contained in the reports. If you have any questions about the reports, contact Experian.
Title: 1997 ford taurus sho
Mileage: 100,000 miles
Location: beaver city, NE
Vehicle Information
VIN: 1falp54n1va258692 | See the free Vehicle History Report
Inspection: Order an independent inspection
Warranty: No
Vehicle title: Clear
Condition: Used
For sale by: Private seller
Body type: Sedan Engine: 8 - Cyl. Cylinder Exterior color: Black
Transmission: Automatic Fuel type: Gasoline Interior color: Gray
Drivetrain: -- Disability equipped: -- Certification: --
More Information
Leather seats Sunroof    
Safety features
Anti-lock brakes Driver airbag Passenger airbag
Power options
Cruise control Power locks Power seats
Power windows Air conditioning    
Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.
this is a 1997 ford taurus sho it is for parts or could be fixed it has a bad motor im not a mechanic so i dont know what is wrong it will start and run but barely a new motor and it would be good as new the interior is in good shape and body is in great shape as well


On May-03-10 at 21:21:14 PDT, seller added the following information:

i forgot to mention that all windows and sun roof are tinted even the front the whole front not just to th asi line no cracks or ripples any where


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