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Broke the TPS Switch

New 04/16/2006


Today I was replacing my TPS when I came across a small issue, "I hope". To 
disconnect the wires from the actual TPS, you have to push down on a small clip 
to release the the "small black device" from the actual TPS unit itself. The 
device has wires coming out of one end if this is confusing.
Well, while trying to do this work, I pushed to hard and broke the clip. I can 
still connect the TPS to the "small black device" but I can't get the "snap" 
sound to let me know that it is secure.
For anyone who has replaced this or broke the small clip, will it slide off 
or will it be fine ?
If not, I will have to order one from the dealer unless an auto store sells a 
non OE one.

Thanks in advance...

96 SF 

*Ed Note* Still waiting an an answer to that one.

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