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new 4/23/04
Seller assumes all responsibility for listing this item.
Some may ask if it is proper to include this as a cam failure. We have learned of 3-4 engines lost in cam weld procedures do to poor workmanship. Fact is all engines will fail if the cam are not welded and almost all independent shops and dealerships are operating well beyond their skill level to try this. For every one motor lost in self welding we know of 100 lost because they were not welded, and suspect another 1000.
We emphatically recommend owners of V8SHO visit Folks Who Will Weld Your Cams, and find someone close to them with a proven track record because MOST shops have never done this and should never do this.
We have a few folks on the list who have successfully done this themselves. God bless those with outstanding mechanical and welding skills. Again we also know of one owner who warped all 4 cam tubes and needed $4,800 worth of cams when Ford sold cams for $1,200 each. We know of at least one owner who trusted a dealership to try this and they warped the cams.
Lastly, we have several reports of Ford Dealerships calling the folks on Folks Who Will Weld Your Cams and have customer's cams welded. Again, most of those folks have done the procedure 100's of times and have a proven track record.
Thanks for sharing the road,
On further reflection we did not include any other self inflected wounds in the total, yet Ford does bear some blame and this should be documented. I changed the number to "00" and will not include it as part of the total.
Sure you can do it yourself as others have.. But what if you make a mistake?
What if the welder does not hold his bead tight on the back cams. Its just
something to think about.
Look what happened to this poor guy..
Kirk J Doucette