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Eric Solves the Fuel Tank Capacity Mystery


When the funny little indicator thingy points somewhere near the Capital "E" I resolve to stop for gas somewhere in the near future. When the fuel fill nozzle goes "click" I give it one more try to see if it tripped early. I pay the bill and leave after returning the fill nozzle to the proper place in the fuel pump.
The more time my right foot spends nearer to the firewall, the sooner the funny little thingy is going to point to "E" again.

This is all I need to know about refueling my vehicle.

(Shaking his head)
Eric Lehmann

And that's all anybody needs to know about refueling their car.

Glen Murdock



No matter how many times I fill it - it only takes as much fuel as it takes to fill it and I can never go farther I can go before I need to fill it again.

Karl H. Kramer, Jr.

Sometimes there are things that are just too funny to let go by. This would be one of them.



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