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Friends of Carter

new 12/06/2003, updated 12/07/03,12/18/03, 12/19/2003, 12/21/2003, updated one year later, 12/01/2004

Cut off Time for Donations will be Midnight, Thursday December 11, 2003


 I have two paypal addresses. As stated in Larry's post for ease of accounting we are going to use pnimz@v8sho.com 

. This is not what I normally use and will enable me to more easily keep the Carter contributions separate.

Paul Nimz

Let's use pnimz@v8sho.com  this time.

OK, here's the drill. Paul will be in charge of the paypal monies. If possible, instead of sending checks, please use paypal to facilitate speed and easier accounting. 

Once donations start to come in Paul will tell me daily, like he did before, and I will put up a Friends of Carter page on the site much like the Friends site. It will simply acknowledge the receipt of funds and from who, not how much.

When we reach the end I'll announce the total and we then can make final plans on how it is presented.

If check is the only way you can do this, please clearly mark in the memo section Friends of Carter so I don't confuse the money with list donations. Send to me at 

850 Lorraine, 1K
Wheaton, IL 60187

Funds will be accounted for in the same manner, collected and sent to our accountants.

Thanks everybody.

Larry Eck

Kirk asks a good question, see below for anyone else who has the same questions

No problem I want to be the first.. But what's the money going for? Why do you have it listed as it will go to the V8 Accountants? I think a little and more descriptive info may yield higher results. 


As stated on this web page, I will not be personally be handling any monies. I prefer it that way. Paul will handle all paypal's and report to the list on a daily basis. I will facilitate posting donors on the web page daily as done for friends. What's it going for - has yet to be determined as I stated on the web page. When it's over, and I suggest just this week 12-5-thru 12-12 we will see the total and the list, as best as it can, will choose what the list feels most representative of our wishes for Carter's speedy recovery. Hint - it isn't going to be flowers!!

It goes to the accountant because she controls the checking account and issues checks as needed. It's the safest way to insure there is no funny business with list money. Checks and balances.

So far the system has worked flawlessly and I expect it to continue to do so.

Lastly, the results will be what they will be. This list has shown that when it counts we can take care of each other.

Richard Wills Robert Parker Christopher Brown Bob & Anonda Gervais
William Fickas Glen and Becky Murdock Mike Kopstain Scott Gladden
John Stout Bryan King Bill Gillam Kirk Doucette
Elando Nando John Hamilton Frank DiBonaventuro Larry & Heather Eck
Douglas Lewis Daniel Carman John Jones David Manke
Rex Mauney Christian Andretta Clarence Allenby Paul Nimz
Eric Lehmann Kenneth Kopecky Holly Bailey Fredrick D Cwik
James Aldrich Steve Tatro John Wilson Adam Parrott
Willie Orpurt Rick Bergstrom Timothy Wright Ian & Reka
Richard White Charles Mekbel Michael Yeager Heath LaRue
"lurking' member" Richard J Larsen Rob Lawn Carey Clabaugh
Leisa and Wendell Adkins Rick Glass Michael Todd Karl Kramer
Il Kim James Jensen David Deines Damien Franczek
Heather Rice      

$1,381.62 as of  12/12/2003

I received this update from Paul. I have no checks to add to that. 12/12/03



I have spoken to many of you either O/L or on list as well as some members by phone. The consensus is we are presenting the funds for the family to use as they see fit. I have made arrangements for personal delivery and will update everyone when it takes place. Should be sometime late next week.

It goes without saying that the response to this situation is absolutely stunning. I want to epically thank Paul for staying on top of the PayPals and providing accurate accounting every day.

Last but not least to all list members your support for a friend in time of need shows that this list is indeed "a cut above" I belong to a few other lists and never have I seen the outpouring for a member as I have here. Everyone should be damn proud. I know I am to be a part of V8SHO.


Chuck, please print this out and enclose in the card for me. Thanks for all your help. Let us know how Carter is doing, especially if he is out of ICU. 

When the news was first released there was a tremendous outpouring from the various lists that you belong to. I spoke to Tammy about two weeks ago and warned her that our list in particular has a collective will. Once they set their minds to something, as webmaster, I have three choices: 

1)Get outta the way, 

2)Try to put my foot down <hasn't worked yet> or 

3) Manage the situation for the best possible outcome. 

Yup I choose #3. I had passed on to the list Tammy's wishes for cards etc. They would have nothing to do with that. You can either thank or blame John Stout, who so eloquently put it, :"Ya can't eat flowers!" Well, Kirk was the first one out of the gate and I knew that it was going to be the collective will so I wisely chose option 3. (I like to see the sunrise in the mornings!) 

I hope that you will accept our offerings in the true Christian spirit in which it is meant. During this time especially, oftentimes the true spirit and meaning of Christmas is lost in the excitement of having to do last minute things. I don't think that can be said for the V8SHO Community, SHOCAGO, and TCCA.

 God was pretty busy sorting all the prayers that were offered up for your speedy recovery and rapid return to your family and home. God Bless you guys, We all hope above hope that Carter can be home for Christmas and bathe in the warmth and love of his wife and family. ....And no, damnit you can't have a Pepsi - you nuckin futz????? Nobody was solicited. All the contributions came voluntarily and with the deepest respect for you and your family.

Larry Eck
97 TR Mods 
Proud Webmaster, 


Gave Carter the package today (sorry I didn't have a camera) he was really touched as was his wife and mother. He is getting out of ICU today and getting a real room. He no longer has the tube in his head. He has problems with one of his eyes focusing and repeats stuff often but otherwise looks really good. I had the check mixed up in the stuff I printed out from each of you and when he saw it he stopped and his jaw kinda dropped and he had a tear come to his eye (hell almost brought one to mine). He was amazed that even though people don't see eye to eye on their views that they come together when one is in need. From Carter and Tammy Thank You all very much.



I finally had an opportunity to talk to Carter today. He sounds great. He as been released from ICU to a semi private room. There is still hope for him to spend Christmas at home. They still do not have a handle on what has caused all this and are not letting him back to work until the symptom has been completely diagnosed. 
Tammy sends her love and thanks to all the list members, not only those that contributed, but the ones who sent cards, or just said a little prayer for him.
I will talk to him again tomorrow probably in the evening and let you all know what's happening.


One Year Anniversary

One year ago today at about 11:00 CST I suffered a brain hemorrhage that resulted in a stroke that left me blind, nearly deaf and unable to walk. Today I am healthy, walking, seeing and back to my job editing and producing television commercials.

I want to thank all those who sent their well wishes and prayers not to mention those who helped my family in their time of need when not only could I obviously not work but helped my wife and family survive as they sat vigil at the hospital in the ICU until my release into a regular room 21 days later.

I have probably said this more times then any of you care to remember, but it certainly changes your point of view and general perspective on a lot of things. Yes, Whoosh is still high on my list of favorite things, but I think it has repositioned itself to a spot not near as prominent as it was prior a year and a day ago.

Spend as much time with your children as you can because even if they disappoint you at times, you will never be able to understand how much they mean to you until they are gone. Love your wife if she loves you, nothing comes close to that feeling of loneliness I felt as I colapsed on the porch last year and started coming to the realization that I was not going to live, wondering if she was going to miss me. She didn't leave the hospital until my mother dragged her to her home a few blocks away so she could lay down to sleep after 10 days sleeping in a chair.

Again, thanks to all who helped us.
Carter Fuji

'97 ES Whoosh

I join many others here in breathing a sigh of relief that
you are doing well. Yes, priorities tend to get re-arranged
when things like that happen.

We should talk about television stuff sometime, I have a
degree from SIU in R&TV and worked at a local NBC affiliate
writing and producing commercials for a couple years, then
was the Promotion Manager for a couple more years. Got out
of the industry then and haven't really missed it, but I
still look at and listen to every radio or TV commercial
from the creative perspective.

Again, happy anniversary! :) and best wishes.

Don Mallinson


I can completely understand your feelings. When I had my PE two years ago I got overwhelming support from the V8SHO list. Flowers, visits etc...
Although I might seem crabby sometimes, I enjoy each and every day that I've been allowed to live.

I'm glad you are all better.



There is one request that I feel safe asking of you, on behalf of the V8SHO.com list and the rest of the free world:

If you EVER have the opportunity to meet face-to-face with ANY of the people involved in making commercials for Old Navy, I sincerely hope that you will deliver a swift kick to the *&^%% of each and every one of those individuals. It's the least you could do...

Glad to hear all is well :-)

Dan Carman


I think just the word that you were okay was all worth it. Glad to see you have a new appreciation for life. Sometimes it takes a traumatic event like this for us to realize just what we have. You are truly blessed, and from the emails received from your stepson I can tell that you are also loved. Your email brought a tear to my eye.

Though this list at times is crazy and I choose not to participate in the ramblings and waste of bandwidth, we are like a little family. Dysfunctional family at times, but when it comes down to it we all look out for each other. There have been numerous times when I have seen genorosity extended to others in need on this list. This is the reason I stick around.

God Bless You ALL,
Heather Rice
'99 TR

It is great to see you back it again. I remember getting the emails and thinking there was nothing I could do. I sat down and prayed on the spot. The prayers were answered!!!! My grandfather died from what happened to you. I never got to meet him. Someday I will get meet you.

It is amazing how the paradigm shifts when life throws you and fastball in the mush. Very glad to hear all is well.
Dave M - Milw WI

Well, it's been an interesting year in more ways than I care to imagine. However, having Carter stop by the midget garage this past summer during SW9's first transplant was a ton of fun. As you can see from the images above all seems to be well with our boy. Beer in hand, and on his a$$ under his car. All is well with the universe.

Uncl Lar

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