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Group Buy on Phenolic Spacers


Thanks to the Bobbers from RI there is soon to be a group buy on a set (pair) of LIM phenolic spacers. 

These are 3/16" thick and would replace the OEM LIM gasket between the heads and the lower intake manifold (the part with the secondary plate and FIs). The OEM LIM intake gaskets are two thin painted metal gaskets with a steel shim sandwiched in between. 

OEM gasket..........

You would have to remove the two thin painted metal gaskets and insert the phenolic spacer in between them. The OEM gasket is held together with 4 small brass rivets. Easily removed with a small chisel or drill bit. 

Performance gains unknown.

3/16" was used because of the ease of casketing, should not require any longer bolts, should not cause any installation clearance problems and I have read where 3/16" is the point of diminishing returns as far as heat rejection for phenolic.

Email me off line if interested. Delivery time would be 3-4 weeks. There will be a one time production run and cost will be ~$75 for a set of two, new gaskets not included.


Well, how much are the new gaskets and are they even available? That would help me make up my mind a lot easier! 

Dan Carman
Some (most) say you can reuse the metal gaskets and just coat them with some fresh black paint before installation. Last time I bought a set IIRC they were like $60.


$60.00? for the Lowers?
IIRC it was closer to $100.00 for those last time I had to buy some.
Did you maybe buy them through Kirk? He goes through a Boatload of
those and probably gets a wicked good discount.
FWIW - I would NEVER Re-use LOWER IMR Gaskets unless they were Brand New.
Uppers? - Yeah. The repaint thingy works OK there for me, but the
layers on the lowers don't clean up well enough IMO.


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