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Important Domain Name Update

new 7/02/03

We had a DNS issue with the new server, so I had to contact Michael Ivy. The good news is Michael transferred V8SHO Domain Name to me me officially and prepaid the Domain Name ownership until Dec 10, 2008, at which point we may be "Welded V8SHO" since by then then the only V8SHO will be welded.

The other interesting news is that Michel has a recent acquisition: #3 baby girl arrived on fathers day.  Healthy baby & mom. This makes three daughters, ages 4, 2.5 and newborn and Mike is cheerfully resigned that the next 20 years of vacations will be spent shopping.

Mike may do a little shopping of his own, he is looking for another Gen 3 SHO and a male Mastiff to guard his harem. We all wish Michael and his family the best of everything.


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