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MAF Cleaning

New 12/19/04

What is the proper way to clean the MAF? Would a spray on electronics cleaner be acceptable or maybe a can of compressed air like you would use to clean your keyboard?

Jason Barker

Yeah, remove the two T-20 Torx head screws and pull the sensor out of the meter. I use carb cleaner and then brake parts cleaner to remove the carb cleaner residue. Then blow it off with a little compressed air until dry and reinstall.

Doug Lewis
Ford Performance Specialists Inc.
Atlanta Georgia
(770) 949-7191

Well, a reply can't get much more technical and better then that!!!


Ford does not recommend using oil soaked air filters because it can contaminate the MAF and affect the A/F mixture. My Toyota pickup had that problem because I over oiled the MAF.  I did not want to use an oil type air filer on my SHO but the stock filter is greatly undersized. All Tauri, from 145 hp to the SHO use the same filter & air box.

Anyway with Paul Nimz's help I moved the air filter into the fender and neglected it. Neglect is preferable to over oiling. Point is at least once and maybe more Doug has cleaned my MAF and his procedure never hurt anything and it always helped a lot.


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