new 12/07/02
We recently had a visitor from WY who introduced the list to the Miller cycle as opposed to the Otto thermodynamic cycle. Now I studied all that stuff at Penn State a very long time ago so I needed a refresher. I contacted a few expert sources with vast experiences and credentials. I dont want to start another controversy like we had on cam bearings or pinning Vs. welding. Suffice it to say my sources in my opinion are beyond criticism in this area, I judge them credible. What I learned is that the miller cycle is not all that different from the Coors, Budweiser or Rolling Rock cycles:
Repeat stages one stage four until your thirst is quenched, you feel sufficient gusto or your last brain cell becomes pickled.
I hope you find this helpful, next week I will cover the Pizza cycle.
Still confused? I am told the Miller cycle may be demonstrated next convention by talented volunteers.
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