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Quality - Job 1?

new 4/19/2004

My SHO has developed a hiccup and a dead short in the past week. That has made me think about selling my SHO. I spent a couple of hours looking for the short and was unable to find it. I did have help from the list so I was not looking at things I did not need to look at. The SHO was supposed to go down be my brother in laws for the weekend. Problems at home and it did not go. He drove up here and after what I told him what I did he found it in two minutes. I was happy. The hiccup is going to have to wait until it goes to his shop for a motor vac and some other stuff. Helping him out I found out the Ford dealership that put in my tranny messed up. They left two exhaust bolt loose and put a wiring harness in such a way that it rubbed through two wires. One was my oil light which came on before the last convention and has flickered ever since and the other one was my alt wire. Taped them up and no more popping alt fuses and no more oil light coming on. It was a good weekend for me.

For SHO owners near Elkhorn, WI and want a great mechanic let me know I will give you his number.

Rob Ziehm
97 ES

Mike Burkart Ford Lincoln Mercury in Plymouth, WI. Bad service but good body shop. Had an Explorer repainted by them did a nice job.

Rob Ziehm 97 ES

Tell us the name of the Dealership that fubared your wires for FAQ?



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