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Rare Earth Magnets

New 8/18/05

Some time back someone had suggested using Neodymium magnets both in the transmission pan and affixing one to the oil drain plug to help pull FOD out of the fluid suspension. Any suggestions on a good place to acquire such a magnet?


I personally use a flexible magnet that I wrap around the oil filter kind of like a coozie... I figure the oil is flowing through there and if I can trap more FOD by magnetizing the filter then sound good to me! - Jason



I pick them up at car shows at the cheap tool stores. You may check Harbor Freight and similar places. The 12lb (3/4") magnets are two for $1, and the 8lb (1/2") magnets are three for $1 at most places. I put one of the smaller ones (8lb, 1/2") on the inside tip of the drain plug and it came out a little bit sludgey w/ 3 tiny weld spatter balls (less than 1mm each). That was after the first 5K miles. I'm still 4K miles away from the next change, so we'll how much stuff I get next time I take a peek in about 6 months. - Dan C.

As close as that fried PC hard drive . They are good for something other than shooting at ;-) Rick B

Who cares? Stick any old magnet in the pan. If you are getting anything stuck to it, you are FUBARd anyway, as magnetic pieces breaking free are bad news.

Ron Porter

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