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TCCA Fall Track Day at Gingerman

New 8/23/05, UD 8/29/05

Jason Kennedy over on TCCA has set up Gingerman Thursday October 27th. Here is the info from both TCCA and the SHO Forum:



Only $135/car for 20 cars, and $95/car for 30 cars.

This is two days before the Lapeer Day on Saturday 10/29.

Ron Porter


IF they manage a novice class and instructors for this event you should do it. For a first track day, it is much better to start slow and build speed and habits correctly from the start.

If I can be there I will volunteer to run a novice class and be an instructor.

Main thing, Gingerman is a fun, fairly safe track (no track is truly "safe"). But stay within your comfort zone, don't worry about "racing" or ego, and just build speed and confidence at your own pace. Guaranteed you will have more fun than you can imagine and by the end of the day be going pretty fast.

Don Mallinson

Paul L Fisher wrote:

>I just registered for Gingerman. It will be my 1st track day!!! > > >Paul L Fisher

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