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Dedication of This Site
"I've enjoyed the SHOtimes Mailing List information for
now and answered Mike Schwartz's request for authorship of the pages
in June 1997. a I'm grateful to Mike for the standard he has created and will
attempt to keep his standard going for everyone's edification. a
I hope 96+, as well as, "classic" SHO owners enjoy and feel free to contribute
to these pages. Thanks for stopping by- Bill Moore AKA "BigDog."
- Excerpt from the original 96+ SHOtimes FAQ, hosted by Bill
In thanks for all the time and effort Bill put into creating the original
96+ FAQ, I would like to dedicate this new site to him. If it had
not been for Bill and several other pioneers, it is doubtful that this
site would be as good as it is. On behalf of all the Third Generation
fans out there, I'd just like to say, "Thanks Bill."
Bill Moore (A.K.A. Big Dog) Concept Creator/administrator/Founding Father 6/97 to 7/99.
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