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Production Numbers

 Thanks to BlueOvalNews for this :

These are OFFICIAL model year production figures for all SHO's built. This list took a very long time to compile since these records are not routinely kept. If you have a SHO site, please feel free to use these figures. Special thanks to the Atlanta Assembly Plant for providing these figures.
Model Year Right Hand Left Hand Total
1996 91 4,942 5,033
1997 1 (one)  10,132 10,133
1998   2,317 2,317*
1999   2,247 2,247*
 * incomplete data


Total production in 4 years is an unofficial 19,730 cars.  Something less than 1% of all Tauri 96-99 are SHOs. Ford quit making the SHO for model year 2000. Shame on their sorry behind. 


Update - From Ford Media  at 


"A total of 243,842 cars were produced at AAP in 1999. Employees built 188,966 Ford Taurus cars, 2,247 Ford Taurus SHO cars and 52,629 Mercury Sable cars. Production of the Taurus SHO was discontinued in June 1999."



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