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Date 9/20/07,12/08/2007
Seems our Attorneys have had enough of Furds and the courts foolishness! They
have filed a motion to force the issue and have been assigned a court date later
this month. Time to poop or get off the pot.
We'll let you know what becomes of it. Everybody wish the suit happy birthday on
December 10!! 6 years old. Ready for kindergarten.
Larry Eck
Cam Failure #425
Almost Bone
Webmaster www.v8sho.com
After 13 months the decision on class action status is still on the judges
Other than another 128 reported cam failures in the last 13 months all I can say is the matter still sits on the judges desk.
& I don't have a clue how much longer the judge may require for a decision.
see also
Law Suit Update 8/16/06
Bear in mind that when I stepped up to get this filed a long time ago in a far
distant memory, I cautioned everybody to have no expectations. Tim and I have
been in a constant state of flux as Tim just wants to draw and quarter Furd, and
I work in the legal system on a daily basis.
As a refresher, I have been asked on more than one occasion why I filed. Simple
answer and true answer - Cuz I could.
Once the Pleadings were filed, Tim, I, and a whole host of other folks were out
of the equation. It's in the hands of the Federal Court system and our attorneys
and Furds attorneys, who by the way have thusfar not impressed me considering
their address is Washington, DC.
Some day when this is all over, I hope to regale the remaining list members with
my discovery transcript. You will truly die laughin. My shins are still black
and blue from our attorneys kickin me cuz they thought I was being a smart a$$.
Not in the least - ask me the question, I will answer the question. You may not
like the answer - so you better have back up questions prepared!
At the very least I sleep well each night, knowing that Furd is pissing away
millions defending an action they could have prevented by spending far less just
acknowledging the screw up and offering each owner a fair amount to seek the
repair on their own. Furd is already upside down and Tim and I are just damn
proud of that.
Curb your puppies, there will most likely be no "pot of gold" for owners. Rest
comfortably that we made our point, cost them more than it would have to offer
compensation for the repair.
Someone had to be the assole. I'm good with having to be the assole. Lot's of
folks back in the day were flapping their gums. I got it done. End of story.
Larry Eck
Cam Failure #425
Almost Bone
Webmaster www.v8sho.com
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